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(▰︶︹︺▰) Nº247 10–4, Dinosaur 👍 🦕
Good evening!
I had a relaxing Sunday today after celebrating Pride with friends here in Amsterdam yesterday. I managed to catch up on emails and even unclog the kitchen sink!
While preparing for this week’s issue, I discovered Endless Thread, a show on Boston’s NPR news station WBUR, where Ben Johnson & Amory Sivertson dig into the “internet’s vast and curious ecosystem of online communities to find untold histories, unsolved mysteries, and other jaw-dropping stories online and IRL”.
I found their show while googling links related to this week’s rhyming headline. Ben & Amory explore the history of dinosaur emojis in LGBTQ+ communities and their more recent use as an online dog-whistle for anti-trans activists. And on Pride weekend no less, apt or what?!
So what does happen when one symbol is used for conflicting reasons? And can the dinosaur emoji avoid redefinition — or extinction? Listen to find out.
Heads up! This Friday is our monthly bbq at the office.
as always, thank you for reading & sharing this newsletter!
have a good week ahead,
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