¯_(⊙_ʖ⊙)_/¯ Nº136 Fear is Boring, if you’re alive: keep exploring 😨 🧭
Elizabeth Gilbert wrote about 11 ways to think smartly about creativity back in 2015. I like her list:
- 💓 If you’re alive, you’re a creative person.
- 🤓 You’re not a genius, you have a genius.
- 🔨 Make something, do something, do anything.
- 😫 Stop complaining and get to work.
- 😤 Frustration is not an interruption of the process, frustration is the process.
- 💭 Let go of your fantasy of perfection.
- 😨 You can’t get rid of fear, but do remember that fear is boring.
- 🔎 If something is authentic enough, it will feel original.
- 🎨 If you’re in the arts, you don’t need graduate school.
- 💼 Creative fields make for crap careers.
- 🤔 Curiosity is the truth and the way of creative living.
Which ones ring true for you? My favorites are 1, 4, 5 & 7!
As always thank you for reading,
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Press info here: 🇳🇱: bit.ly/2I5Lock & 🇬🇧: bit.ly/2ljpJVf
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