Member-only story
(╭ರ_•́)\ Nº140 Succeed getting the help you need 👋 🙋
T-minus two weeks till Silk Road and I’m relying on some favors to get my gear in order for the ride of my life.
I know a lot of people struggle with asking for help so what Tim Carmody recently wrote on abou the right way to ask someone for help and get the assistance you need should be handy.
Three key points:
- Be direct with your request;
- Give your reason why;
- Provide an opportunity for escape.
Don’t beat around the bush. Most people are perceptive enough to tell when you’re not saying what you want to say. This only makes them suspicious and impatient. Just be direct and say “I’ve got a favor to ask you.” —
Keep this in mind the next time you ask for help & share the knowledge the next time someone goofs it trying to ask you ; )
As always thank you for reading,
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